
"Lets Build This Together" Purpose, Truth, Triumph and Equality for all..

Location: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Rumsfeld Gets Grilled at Truth & Reconciliation Hearing

Here are those words again Truth & Reconciliation "Mufasa! Ooooh! Say it again! Mufasa !"

March 29, 2005
By Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers

It was several years after the Bush Administration had left office, in what has been called the period of ordinary "Restoration of Constitutional rule." Criminal indictments were about to be unsealed, naming the architects of the former regime's foreign wars/torture policy and martial law-type domestic rule.
Those individuals had one chance to escape likely incarceration: appearances before the recently-instituted Truth & Reconciliation Commission. Here is a partial transcript from Donald Rumsfeld's testimony:

"Why wait several years after the Bush Administration, when we can take care of this matter at the present moment"!

Bishop Tutu: Mr. Rumsfeld, welcome. The President and Congress have designated me chairman of America's Truth & Reconciliation Commission, based on my experience in my native South Africa after the apartheid regime fell. I briefly will run over the protocols of such hearings, as I will do later for George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Alberto Gonzales, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, John Ashcroft, Douglas Feith and the many others who have applied for amnesty.

Our mandate is to get the truth on the record of what happened, and to assist those guilty of crimes and those victimized by them to face that truth squarely, and deal with the ramifications in a civilized manner where the entire society benefits.



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