
"Lets Build This Together" Purpose, Truth, Triumph and Equality for all..

Location: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States

Monday, March 28, 2005

A distress worthy friend and blogger who needs our help....

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For Your Consideration: Pro Se Not The Way

Many of you have felt the tone of the blog here of late. I have been engaged in a struggle greater than myself alone, but not greater than the truth. Multiple anonymous malicious reports have been made against my family since July 2004. On November 23 my daughter was forced from my keep and placed in the hands of substantiated child abusers. I have been defending my family on multiple fronts. The issues are political, prejudicial, judicial and familial. My family is being held hostage, at the mercy of DSS and the law violated by my victimizers. In representing myself I have built a case against the department and their cohorts, prepared all paralegal work and defended myself in previous hearings. I have video recorded nearly every meeting with the department and have the first video documented case in the history of the DSS and can demonstrate the following violations committed by the department including but not limited to: (click here for more info)

Covenant with Black America

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As we witnessed in the 2004 presidential election, Americans are deeply divided between race, class, gender, political ideology and moral values. A divide so extreme, that in order to bridge it, we must speak openly, freely, without judgment and work together. It is imperative that we take this opportunity to consider the issues of particular interest to African Americans and to establish a national plan of action to address them. No longer can we sit back and expect one political party, one segment of the population or one religious denomination to speak for us or to act on our behalf. It is our responsibility as an entire community to no longer be left behind politically, socially, or economically and to bridge the economic and social divides ourselves, by encouraging a conversation and a commitment that will inevitably benefit all Americans.

State of the Black Union 2005: Defining the African American Agenda
On Saturday, February 26th, 23 panelists convened at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in the Greater Atlanta area, to begin the conversation on the most important issues that affect Black America.

Via the Greensboro NC NAACP Branch (click here for more info)

Black Box Voting Public Forum in Greensboro

Notice of Event:

Black Box Voting Public Forum in Greensboro

Date: Monday, March 28, 2005
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Event Location: Unitarian Universalist Church of Greensboro

Street: 5603 Hilltop Road (Corner of Hilltop and Guilford College Roads)
City and State: Greensboro, North Carolina

The panel will provide a presentation illustrating actual and potential failures of voting technology in North Carolina,
followed by questions and answers. Panelists will also discuss the Public Confidence in Elections Bill, which is now before the North Carolina General Assembly. The bill would mandate voter verified paper ballots for each vote, as well as other safeguards to insure every vote is accurately recorded and counted. Successful methods for lobbying our legislators will be shared. (Speakers' political affiliation includes
one democrat, one republican and one unaffiliated).

You are invited to attend a public forum that explains the concerns about paperless electronic
voting, a very pertinent issue to Guilford County which has 1,186 paperless voting machines.
To read about instances where votes were lost on paperless voting machines in Guilford County,

Here are a few

Guilford County Voting Machines - Disability issues, lost votes, faulty software, vendor ethical issues, operating costs, undervotes

Intro: If you went to the polls in Guilford County, your vote was recorded by an electronic voting machine, but no paper ballot was generated in the process. ...The lack of a paper trail raises questions about the potential for fraud, accountability and trust in the electoral process. "Beyond security, there is the inherent dissatisfaction of having a box telling you who won, without verification," says David Dill, a Stanford computer scientist who served on the task force advising California's Shelley. More by Ed Cone article

Facts about Guilford County voting machines:

  • They do not meet disability standards for the Help America Vote Act of 2006.
  • Permanent loss of votes on Guilford County Machines documented.
  • Failure of voting machine company to communicate serious limitations with software causing it to not count votes.
  • Same machines which were used in Craven County NC changed votes before the voters eyes..
  • Voting Machine Companies ties to bribery of election officials.
  • Known instances of ES&S instructing employees to lie to election officials.
  • Current machines more costly to purchase and operate, than paper ballot optical scan machines used in 48 NC Counties
  • NC Study shows that paperless machines have significantly higher undervote rates than paper ballot optical scan machine
Sponsoring the forum are the North Carolina Coalition for Verified Voting and the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greensboro. For more information, call (336) 685-4443.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

The most dangerous MAN ...

A wise man once told me " Son the most dangerous man is that man who has no fear, and figures he has noting to loose and that he is better off dead ..."

With all of the Economic, Poverty, Social, and Racism issues going on in the world today, how many MEN do you think are out in the there in the world with this mind-set ?

We most likely have many men with this mind-set right here in Greensboro N.C.

What changes do you propose that we make for this kind situation that we face in our society today ?

What state is our country really in ?

From my point of view it doesn't look good. I heard on the news that the unemployment rate has decreased , Who sent in those stats ? The gas prices have went out the roof $2.00 + a gallon, this is madness. We have our troops dieing over an unjust war. Our governmental body is on a spending spree. While they assume that there's no one watching the store !

There has been bomb threats on Greensboros' Piedmont Triad International Airport on Thursday and Friday , On Friday a threat ws made against the New and Record, on Thursday 1,100 employees were evacuated from Jefferson- Piolt downtown office after a bomb threat was made against the company.

Where does it end ?

There are those who wouldn't even think about any of these things until it hits home.

Well it has begun to hit home because it is not only affecting the lower class it's affecting the middle class also. Welcome, how does it feel ? Not good ha. I know. I can feel your pain dog!

"Nations, like individuals, are perceived to have a character. That character is demonstrated in a number of ways. Health care, street crime rates, poverty, access to services, air quality in the cities, etc, are some of the indicators used to determine the character and the livability of a society.

The United States consistently scores low in most of these areas. For instance: While Americans spend more on health care, per capital, than any other country, it ranks something like 27th in services actually delivered, because the American ideal, the medicine for profit model, creates world class care for those who can afford it, while it presents very poor care for a majority of its citizens." (click here for more info)

Let 's do our part, Greensboro you can go ahead and tell the people this (click here) ! We can handle it !

To everyone out there get involved at the ballot box when it is time to vote !!!

Friday, March 25, 2005

Where did the bad deal go down Greensboro ?

It is so much unjust going on here in America!! Where did the bad deal go down ?

More than five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

What about our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, when will we be liberated ? (the black man), however we can not blame it all on the white man, we have to place some of blame on the embarrassing fact of history, is that the Europeans did not have to use any force to obtain these slaves. The slaves were "sold" by their black owners. There was no need for the slave raiders to risk their lives or venture into the jungles of Africa , they simply purchased the people from African chiefs and Muslim slave traders at the coast.

However, while the slave trade and slavery itself was always criticized vigorously in Britain and America, no comparable criticism was evident in the Muslim Middle East or amongst the African tribes which sold their own people, and neighboring tribes, into slavery. Almost all of the African slaves transported across the Atlantic were captured and sold by African rulers and merchants.

Many chiefs found it more profitable to sell their enemies, criminals and debtors than to kill or imprison them. Many were weaker neighboring tribes conquered for the express purpose of selling their people into slavery.

According to "The Slave Trade" by Hugh Thomas, approximately 4 million (35.4%) went to Portuguese controlled Brazil; 2,5 million (22.1%) to the Spanish nations of South and Central America; 2 million (17.7%) to the British West Indies (mostly Jamaica); 1,6 million (14.1%) to French West Indies; half a million (4.4%) to Dutch West Indies and half a million (4.4%) to North America

This is still a factor today here in America today in 2005 , we have African chiefs selling out there brothers and sisters. I look at these African chiefs as some of our black representatives of today, this is so sad but true. Maybe their heart and their consciousness will inform them that they done their people unjustly.

To my black brothers and sisters that’s representing the black communities, I forgive you all . The real question is do you forgive yourself, however I do have one question for you all (Click here!!!)

To my black brothers and sisters out their get up off of you asses and get involved , do not continue to sitting on your ass and waiting for someone to give you something, because it is not going to happen, get up and go out and get it you damn self ! ThatsWhatzUp!!

Unkle L over at the barbershopblog has questions and concerns about Greensboro !

It seems to me like Truth & Reconciliation Is kind of like a convenient and timely thing because, what are our real road blocks here In life? It's like the Roadrunner and the Coyote, that coyote could never catch that roadrunner because that roadrunner was a real fast and slick guy...slick....real slick. This Is my opinion and this Is how I feel, I'm not doing things half-cocked. I'm stepping out on a limb just because of cause and truth (for more click here)

Children are wonderful creatures

Children are wonderful creatures. Then they start growing up! In this world, maturing is dangerous. Parents have their hands full protecting children from the influences of the world. Still, even as children or students rebel, you can’t help loving them. You want the best for them. So off to school they go. You hope the teachers will teach them.

Recent news points out that children can be unsafe any where in the nation. The distance between violent people and their actions is ever shrinking. Our society appears not view persons as real entities. A society can not keep abusing people and not expect consequences. The solution is not more laws. Let us just try to be aware and kinder to those around us.

Yes, I expect different interest or focus groups to seize this tragic event to espouse their beliefs or desires. To the parents and children of this event, it is a hard time. I wish there was a reason for it. Hold tight to your faith, share your grief, and care for your loved ones. While all is dark and gloomy now, the sun will surely shine through one day! Hold on for the healing of that day.

VIA....Ronald E. Newton

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Greensboros' Future ........

We have to build integrity and transparency. We must be accountable to the people .

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Preperation for our troops return ...

Greensboro are we prepared for our troops return ? We all have been maxed out with things that pretains to our own little world , however we do still have our troops dieing everyday in Iraq.

They are going to be needing our help... when they return...

It is way past time to bring them home. Has every one took part in the preperation of our troops return ? We have to get Greensboro on point. I have faith that we will.

I would like to thank the NC VFW, Ross, Tara, Lowana and TheShu for doing they're part in the preperation for the returning of our troops. This is comming from a Vet. Thank You ! ThatsWhatzUp !

Monday, March 21, 2005

Hello Greensboro I'm back w/ questions and concerns !

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Please feel free to click on the flag !

Hello Greensboro and to all my other readers thought the world Last week was a wild week for Greensboro!

To my man Lewis Byers over at the barbershopblog congratulations on making that decision on running for District 2 city counlelman. Bro. the leadership is much needed in that seat and many other seats though out our governmental body here in Greensboro and throughout the world.

Someone that is going to make that differences. I'm on your Team Bro. Chris, Chris and Twon let's rock and roll!

To folks that brought the donations to the barbershop thanks . Lawwna is taking donations up for the needy in the community, She needs more help give, give, give!!! We have more needy out here than you can imagine.

To Ed, Roch, Sue and Hog and the others, you all had a good turn out at the teah-in on Sat. Did an outstanding job on the class. However I would love to know how in the hell can you teach a class at the Revolution Mills and not even mention what the hell is going on the other end of the building with the VFW and the NAACP, what kind of trash is this. That was totally wrong!

My question to you guys still remains the same. What type of community are you trying to build ?

Billy, That first post was great for the Biglink, however as a Vet living here in North Carolina knowing that the VFW right here are giving free weblogs to all VFW member, Vet and their family members that would have been better post for the Troops than that BS that you posted on the biglink for the Vets. We all know where the big links are in Greensboro and that wasn't one of them!

I would like to welcome our newest members to the blogosphere Backtalk, and many others that took part in the teach-in and the public officials Pricey Harrison, Tom Phillips, Sandy Carmany welcome.

To the public official now that you are here, I have a many questions I need to ask you all!

Why the city Reps. have not put forth that intestinal fortitude and say to the people that the City Reps. have been pimping the taxpayers, that the people and the city are not really in your best interest ?

It is all about you and how much money you can juice the taxpayer out of while there sleepwalking. Well I'm here to tell you, that is BS. I say not another dam dime in Greensboro be spent until we can have a complete audit of Greensboro N.C. from an outside source... That's right open all the books! I don't trust any of you and I'm not talking about the just the white Reps. I'm talking about the blacks Reps. also. I think that many of you are full of shit. I am going to call it like I see it! That's right bring on the truth and reconciliation so we can find out the truth and reconcile about what is going here in Greensboro not twenty five years ago, but what is going on right dam now. You dam right I'm PISSED. Do you all think that you can spend the taxpayers money on BS and say the hell with us ? This is your mess, you clean it up. Don't think for one moment that you are going to leave this BS for the this generation to clean-up. Not on my watch!!!!

The best thing that Greenboro has going on politically is the Register of Deeds great job Jeff !

Pass this on to Mrs. Portia Shipman with zoning commission, that we in the Northeast Greensboro community, Would like to thank her ahead of time for the commitments that she has made to the Norheast Concerns Citizens at the meting two weeks ago . Hopefully we can get that footage of the meeting out on line soon. We are looking forward in working with you and your team that is going the bring the Porter School and The Complex projects to reality. Thanks for your leadership!

To everyone out there get involved at the ballot box when it is time to vote.


The black man is a strong man, his skin can be black as coal, the father of the universe is what this man been told
He has been traveling along a journey from another place and time, his thoughts are so distorted he needs a reconditioning of his mind
to purify his thoughts so they'll be put into place then he must come to realize how much time he's waste
Look around you my brothers can you see what's happening to our race, aggravated by so many things including the brand placed upon your face.
You must stop dead in your tracks and start to make a change,
investigate our history pride will be created inside your self, there are books within the library place neatly upon the shelves
I have been doing my own research and I'm bringing free knowledge to you, take heed to this message cause you won't learn this in school
You can't identify with your own identity because the truth has been buried deep, but I will help you to unlock this door so benefits you can reap
You know your biggest enemies; they went through great troubles to hold you down
They have clouded up your visions when they took away your crowns
When Columbus discovered America is 1492 the Indians already resided here so what do that tell you?
They tried to enslave this group of people after sitting and breaking bread, turned their land into a battlefield to hold the blood they shed
The point that I am making has been documented as a fact
The trouble you've been experiencing is because your skin is black.

A Negative Thinker is his or her own worst enemy. It requires far less skills to run a wrecking crew than it does to run a building crew. The world was build by builders, not destroyers. So Cast Aside Your Enemies: Doubt, Fear, Morbidity, and Guilt. For these are the destroyers of a "POSITIVE SPIRIT."
You cannot dream a dream too big, nor aspire too high. Nothing is impossible. Everything good in which you can conceive and accept is yours. Entertain no doubt, Refuse to accept worry, hurry or fear. That which knows and does everything is inside your positive mind and it will listen to your slightest whisper.

"We can not place the blame solely on the white man for the disfranchisement of our people. We have to go back to Afrca and request the information of who was that black man who made the deals with the white man to sell his brothers and sisters for profit? "

To everyone out there get involved at the ballot box when it is time to vote.



If you would like to make any comments you can place them in my shout box!!

Friday, March 18, 2005

I'll be back !

I'll be back on 032105 .

Thursday, March 17, 2005

No More Bloodshed Greensboro !

We all have to figure out a way to turn our past into positive energy. We have to build strong communities together . To me it's not about a black thing nor a white thing. I feel that it is a humanity thing. For something that happen 26 year ago was then, we can to get pass this together. We can not have anymore bloodshed. I do not see a black man or a white man. I see a man.

It is not about the pass nor you or I, it is about the future your kids, my kids working together, playing together, living in the same community together, making every effort to build better communities.

Could you imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one.

I support the Truth and Reconciliation Process, however it has to promote peace !

Let's be proactive to peace !

This is going to be my last post on THATSWHATZUP for a moment. To everyone that I have met and all the friends I have made and to everyone that reads my blog, much love. I hope that everyone would take a little time out of their day and think about the things that are really going on outside of there own little world.

The world is larger than just you and I !

This is what we have to strive for

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

City Council vs Truth ?

It was really disappointing to be in the midst of a City Council meeting here in Greensboro today and witness a 5 to 4 decision to place the Greensboro Truth and Community Reconciliation Process on the agenda for April 19 , 2005.

The community has gladly endorsed the Truth and Reconciliation Process. This wound has plagued the Greensboro community for 26 years. You can't place a band-aid on a wound that deserves a tourniquet.

This is an issue that should have been taken care of tonight. The vote should have been unanimous that the city endorse the process.

There will always be men struggling to change, and there will always be those who are controlled by the past....Ernest J. Gaines

Rember the World is watching (click here)


Stand for Truth
Stand for Restorative Justice
Stand for Community Healing

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Our Constitution ?

It is so freaking amazing how we can go to another country and rewrite their constitution. When we do not utilize the one we have . We should go ahead and give them ours, because we are not going to use it. To the individuals that think they can continue to take our rights away this is what I have to say to them, the truth shall set you free. Enough is enough. If you would like to make an adjustmenst to the constitution let's begin with this one ! This is a word of advice...

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

It is time for us to break away from these Image hosted by

This is an email that I received today.

Hello Jerry:
Talent or skill is present within our community. The match up of that talent with the need for it does not go smoothly. We need more mentoring instead of teaching in our communities. Teaching can be performed without regard to the success of the student. Mentoring, in my opinion, can't be performed without success as a measure.
What I do in my life is mentor others. High school and college students want to know what I have done, what they can do, any useful advice as long as they can participate in it with me. My focus was on black students at first. Later I figured anyone who wanted to learn should have an opportunity to do so. So two people saw the need and formed Project Score. A program that teaches the SAT. I have done that for the last 22 years in Greensboro.
Our students have obtained scholarships to various colleges because of their SAT scores primarily and second their high school grade point averages. Grade point averages have no correlation to SAT scores in my experience with students.
What we learned:
  • We quickly found out that teaching the theory of math and English did not do too well!
  • Students need to be motivated.
  • Students need to see that they can be successful.
  • Mentors must respect and well as be respected by the students.
  • A student's weakness is not a negative but an opportunity.
  • To learn a student must work and perform.
  • Tests are forever present in life.
  • A students needs to be told that life is not fair!
  • The goal is to pass a test. Preferably the first time, if not, as many attempts that is necessary.
  • A test needs to be explained and strategies developed for it.
  • Practice must be done. Just listening is not enough.
So I evolved into teaching the test Saturday mornings here in Greensboro. I developed web sites for the old SAT test that taught math and English. With the new SAT in March the web sites are being revamped to reflect the new SAT. In another month or so I should be done adding practice tests to them.
We try for one on one involvement with our students. The web sites definitely made that possible. Motivation is handled on Saturdays. Funds come from grants and donations over the years. Obtaining students have not been much of a problem. Word of mouth does the job well. Our program has received awards from the City of Greensboro in the past. No, we have not ever been funded by local governments.
It would be nice to have a registry of mentors, skills, and organizations to go to in order to receive help. I still visit Greensboro high schools to give a two hour seminar on the SAT yearly. A lot of my students have graduated from college and drop me a note now and then.
Who am I?
An African-American or black man
College graduate
Retired IBM consultant
Married with kids out of the house and college.
Born in New Jersey, the son of migratory workers
I did fail algebra when I was in high school! (smile) So I taught myself.
Spent two years with Reading Connections as a GED tutor volunteer.
Spent eight years in the Air Force
Find staying retired a full time job!
Let me know your comments.

Ronald E. Newton



Thursday, March 10, 2005


Leadership has a harder job to do than just choose sides. It must bring sides together.
Author: Jesse Jackson

"ThatsWhatzUp! The time is now !!"

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Where is the support for them ?

How can the President, our Congress and the American people overwelmingly support sending our troops to war but not be prepared to whole-heartly take care of them when they come home?

The President’s proposed budget comes up short on (click for more info)

The decision makers and the American people have to lie down to bed every night with this on their Brain Housing Group. I have a difficult time with it myself and I choose not to support the war. I reason being is because I am a veteran and I see how they are being treated when they return. How can some say God bless the United States of America, when they are only blessing themselves ? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Take a look for yourself...

(VIDEO # 1)

(VIDEO # 2)

(VIDEO # 3)

(VIDEO # 4)

We as a country cannot allow for this to continue..... We have to support our troops...

Monday, March 07, 2005

The Seven Deadly Sins

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Click on the sin for a more in-depth review. Related topics are listed below.

Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.

Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.

Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

"I have practiced a few of these, however I'm at a point in my life where my spiritual side has placed many obstacles before me, I feel that this is to ensure that I'm prepared for my next journey. I believe that if the world would let it go like I have at this time. We all could get through what we are about to encounter. It is past time for us to begin healing. We have to move forward !!!"

Sunday, March 06, 2005



This is dedicated to all the folks out in the world whom think that it is all talk, when the word REVOLUTION is spoken. I’m here to inform you that this is no joke, it is alive and real. If you are not prepared for it, you can only place blame on yourself. I had the privilege to speak with some very powerful men today. I attended the Red Bull Wordclash.The Red Bull Wordclash is fast becoming one of the nation’s premier Street Poetry Competitions. Hosted by Monte Smith, the event was created by Smith and co-founder Matthew Stibbe with help from Red Bull. The first event was in 2002 and since then it has grown, grown, grown! 2005 is slated to be the best event yet with a large number of poets coming in from around the country to battle for the 2005 title. I met some really deep brothers tonight. I just know that our friendship is going to grow stronger. We all feel the urgent need for a major change. To my brothers Monte of Winston Salem, Mr. Rozzi of Greensboro, BrotherEarl of New York, Brent of New York, Example of Washington DC, and Vision of Pennsylvania much luv. You guys continue with the movement and by all means if there is anything that I can assist you with, please do not hesitate to hit me up. The time has come for us as a world to stand up for what we know is right, to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination. To ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of all citizens. To remove all barriers of racial discrimination. I told everyone that it would only be a matter of time!! THE TIME IS NOW !!!!

My man The Shu has pics from the event. (pics)

Friday, March 04, 2005

Stand for Truth, Restorative Justice and Community Healing Greensboro !!

Greensboros' Past

What if America’s cities – especially Southern cities – stopped ignoring the skeletons in their closets?

What if they were inspired by the potential of the truth & reconciliation model as demonstrated in South Africa, Peru, and elsewhere, to help them seek life-affirming restorative justice and constructively deal with past incidents of injustice?

Greensboro, N.C., an all-American city with a proud legacy of civil rights leadership, is finding out through the GTCRP’s historic effort to honestly confront its tragedy of November 3, 1979.

"We have to take care of the past prior to going forward !!! That's just the bottom line !!!"
(click here for more info)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The real test for Greensboro !

There are real problems here in the United States, and it not just a black thing, it’s an every American thing; the government seems not to even have any concerns about it. The racial, economic, and social injustice that plagues America is genocide.I am going to let you know how it is when you feel like you are backed into a corner; the average person is going to come out fighting with rage. I can only imagine how many Americans feel the same way. This surely can not be healthy. It’s only a matter of time before something happens. I can feel the tension here in Greensboro N.C. We have elected and placed trust into individuals to represent us; however it seems that we are not being represented. There’s irrepressible spending, racial tension, economic injustice... I do feel that many of the citizens are backed into that corner. It’s just nasty. We are in a war zone right here in Greensboro NC. We as the people, the citizens, have to get up off of the couch and get involved with the decision making process. The time is now; we have to take back control. I’m not concerned about myself, it is the future that really concerns me, and it’s all about the kids.
I met a good man on Monday by the name of Monte Smith who is another jewel. He understands the movement and has the vision and it was good to talk to him yesterday. Monte continues with the path that you are on. Much luv bro. To everyone that reads my post take a moment and reflect on what’s going on and what is about to manifest. Be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. We together can make that change.